Thursday, October 06, 2005

Rose is a flower...

Lunch Time!!!

Everybody was at the canteen. Mark had his plate in front of him and in deep thought.

"Mark... Mark.. what happened.. eat.. is something wrong?" disturbs Preethi, with all the enthusiasm she always had at the lunch table.

Mark: "shhh.. i am busy.. dont disturb me.. you got your food na.. eat it."

"Busy! ...", with astonishment Preethi raises herself little louder.. "did anybody hear this.. Mark is busy... "

Everyone had a bit of a laugh seeing mark looking at the fan above and moving his fingers in a gesture of deep thought... and turned again to their discussions.

Evening was off that day. since the computer department was celebrating its annual event. computer department students including Mark had off since two days allowing for preparations for the event. There will be students from most nearby college computer departments.

Later, after lunch, all our gang moved to the auditorium. Mark went backstage as normal as any department guy starts making a show, when its their department's turn to use the stage with all the rights that day.

"Mark is all excited and disgusting today.. what happened to him", started Preethi. The guys kept quiet, smiling at her.

The show started and Mark came back and sat with the rest of them.

For every program on the show Mark started explaining how he helped make this show, and made a fuss about everything that happened. "We are the Computer science department, guys.. we rock.. your shows dont stand a chance" pointed Mark teasing Raj, Preethi and Jas. Mano gave a hi-five for Mark's statement. Together all 5 of them had arguments cricizing, teasing each other, their department and having another great time.

Finally there came a guy on stage.. who had a poem to tell the audience..

As any other college student he started dedicating it to his unnamed girl friend.. how he loved the computer science department.. how they rocked to make this show happen.. all this even without starting the poem.

Then he told his poem.. dedicating to his girl friend..

"Rose is a flower" ... as if nobody knew ..quipped Preethi.
"It will stand for one hour" ... now that's something I didn't know ..said Jas.

..... (silence)

"You are my lover"
"You will be in my heart for ever".. finished the poet..

Mark rose loud from his seat all excited.. "Kalakita machiiiiiiii" he shouted..

Everyone pulled the excited Mark back to his seat and started teasing each other again. They had a nice time.

This poem was repeated almost a 1000 times in boys hostel corridors whenever a computer science guy walked across.. making noise for 2 or 3 days later..:o)

Rose is a flower..
It will stand for 1 hour...
You are my lover...
You will be in my heart for ever..


Blogger Sudhamshu said...

Wow! This is a very unique way of expressing your views on topics, man. Excellent idea.
Btw, just curious, are these 5 people reminiscent of any of ur friends (incl you?) or just making up imaginary people . Be careful you might become schizophrenic :). Kidding. Good luck with the new blog.

12:11 AM GMT+5:30  
Blogger Harish Palaniappan said...

no not representative of any real people.. but we used to be in groups in college.. like anyone would. making noise.. debating. etc.,

whatever said college discussions ..are.. college discussions..

these days where do you get to have them..

now.friends dont have time, everyone works. if at all.. we better go for a movie all the time.

you cant obviously discuss with relatives or folks at home. you will sound ridiculous..

at office. every debate you make has a cost. u never know.. who plays what politics at office to get his point approved, and make u sit backseat.

i just got frustrated..

1:41 AM GMT+5:30  
Blogger Sudhamshu said...

How very true, man. the blog does give that college-kinda atmosphere here. I also miss those discussions, and ofcourse all the stupid or dare-devil stuff :) Good work.

11:26 PM GMT+5:30  
Blogger Sudhamshu said...

Yenna da? College le vacation irukka? :)
(Ignore my rusty Tamil)

5:21 PM GMT+5:30  

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